VOC Abatement Catalysts


DCL offers systems integrators a wide range of highly durable, low pressure drop, thin-walled metallic catalyst elements for control of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions, halogenated VOCs and CO. DCL works with systems integrators for catalytic oxidizers to provide the most optimized catalyst solution for their VOC abatement system, reducing system cost while improving performance and reliability.

VOC generating processes are numerous and example applications include food industry, pharmaceuticals, printing, electronics and wire enameling. Typically these VOCs are emitted from solvent-based processes, unreacted feedstock or decomposition products. Example compounds released may include alcohols, formaldehyde, phenols, BTEX and many other hydrocarbon derivatives.

DCL's advanced high-volume and flexible manufacturing capabilities offer catalyst element solutions meeting the most demanding standards of design, performance and quality control. Contact a DCL sales professional.